Winni's Adventures in Wonderland !!!

Discover Winni's Adventures in Wonderland !!! Like every adventure, it has its risks but also lots of positive opportunities.

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Location: Taiwan

"Be true to yourself and follow your dreams" ~ I arrived at London Heathrow, and took the bus in to town, and so my adventure began. Some of my friends said my time in the UK has changed me in a number of ways. I don't believe that anyone could be indifferent to experiencing such a complex and absorbing culture. I feel I am a better person for having learnt to adapt to it. If you are interested in my story, please follow me! Adventure began in the UK in July 2003.

31 December, 2003

New Experiences in Living - Reading, UK

The moment
The moment where we stand by at the crossroads of many different directions that we opt to take, a moment when you just know that this decision will ultimately determines your direction in life.
You know it's a defining moment when you see that sweet smile on the beautiful bride, the fine lines that are softly drawn on the face of an old lady while cradling her grandchild, the tears of happiness streaming down the sweat streaked face of a young athlete. It could be anything, and “moments” does not happen only once in our lives, but many times depending on how we make it happen ---
The biggest ADVENTURE of my life was beginning. England is quite an amazing country, where politeness and courtesy are mixed with a special sense of humour and generosity.

And of course, you have to learn the language. The faster you do so, the sooner you will be able to take care of yourself and not feel dependent on someone else's merciful translation. So that I promised myself to do my best to learn English as fast as I could.

And wonderful snowing... white Reading!!!
( Fenny, Jason, Winni)
( Philip, Winni, River and George)