Winni's Adventures in Wonderland !!!

Discover Winni's Adventures in Wonderland !!! Like every adventure, it has its risks but also lots of positive opportunities.

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Location: Taiwan

"Be true to yourself and follow your dreams" ~ I arrived at London Heathrow, and took the bus in to town, and so my adventure began. Some of my friends said my time in the UK has changed me in a number of ways. I don't believe that anyone could be indifferent to experiencing such a complex and absorbing culture. I feel I am a better person for having learnt to adapt to it. If you are interested in my story, please follow me! Adventure began in the UK in July 2003.

10 April, 2007

Who Are They?

This excellent sketch is recognized as Mr.D's absolute masterwork !
The work poses some significant questions:
The sitter"s"? - baby, girl sit on the chair and girl in the frame!!! And... what is the story behind the picture ?
Whatever questions people have, it is not about anything but about everything... It has meant so much... Miss W has decided that she likes it better than other pictures she owns and it subtly registers in her mind.... Yes, she does.